Rebuild, Release, Renew

Improve your health & increase your performance today!

 What We Do


By combining fascial stretch therapy & functional strength training, clients can achieve a well-rounded fitness program that addresses flexibility, mobility, and strength. This allows the body to move more efficiently and increase daily performance.


Peptides act as signaling molecules in the body and have various functions including regulation of growth, metabolism, and the immune system. Peptide therapy can increase fitness and overall wellness by promoting the body’s natural processes to function efficiently.


Red light therapy (RLT) involves exposing the skin to low-level, red-spectrum light to promote various health benefits such as: pain relief, skin rejuvenation, wound healing, improved athletic performance, and mood improvement.

LG Wellness Center

Our mission at LG Wellness Center is to support our clients in discovering authentic physical health, wellness, and healing. We are setting a new standard in treating the human body by addressing physical fitness using a functional approach that considers outside factors which contribute to a person’s overall health. LG Wellness utilizes different holistic modalities to treat the human body such as fascial stretch therapy, functional strength training, photobiomodulation, and peptide therapy.


Functional Strength Training

The goal of functional strength training is to improve overall physical ability and reduce the risk of injury. It emphasizes exercises that mimics real-world movements and aims to improve strength, stability, balance, & flexibility.

Fascial Stretch Therapy

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a manual therapy technique used to improve range of motion, flexibility, and overall function. It involves the use of gentle, sustained stretching to the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and joints.

Peptide Therapy

Peptides are small molecules made of amino acids that are designed to stimulate very specific receptors that can be in various targets within the body to achieve your desired goals and avoid unwanted side effects. At LG Wellness Center, our peptides are sourced from only the top compounding pharmacies to ensure that the peptides are specifically tailored to the patient’s needs, are of high quality, and have been prepared in a safe and sterile environment. In the realm of wellness, peptide therapy is used for anti-aging, healing, recovery, muscle growth, weight loss, and more!

What Clients Are Saying…